Monday, August 27, 2012

Social Media Experience???

I was looking at a job postings board the other day in my hometown, trying to gauge what industries are doing well in my local area for an article on a blog I write, when I noticed a trend. There was a job opening for a $100,000/year Program Administrator and there was a job opening for a $25,000/year Administrative Assistant and both listed "experience with social media sites" as one of the required job skills. I dug around further and almost every non-trade job listing had some sort of reference to social media! Social media skills are becoming the skills to have.

These are the trends that led me to found 2nd Mouse Media. Social Media is the new media and it is here to stay. It is how we communicate, how we get our news, and how we keep in touch with our friends and our customers. It is the new face of business marketing.

1 comment:

  1. Social Media is the new media buy free instagram followers and it is here to stay. It is how we communicate,


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