Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Social Media an Important Part of Modern Business World Says Forbes Magazine

Forbes Magazine has recently posted several articles about the importance of social media in business. The most recent article, offers up several interesting facts including:

  • 94% of all businesses with a marketing department used social media as part of their marketing platform
  • Almost 60% of marketers are devoting the equivalent of a full work day to social media marketing development and maintenance
  • 43% of people aged 20-29 spend more than 10 hours a week on social media sites
  • 85% of all businesses that have a dedicated social media platform as part of their marketing strategy reported an increase in their market exposure
  • 58% of businesses that have used social media marketing for over 3 years reported an increase in sales over that period
These are statistics that just can not be ignored. Social media is not a fad, and businesses that do not make it a part of their marketing structure will have trouble keeping pace in the modern business world.

1 comment:

  1. Facebook and Twitter and to laud approve followers instagram our presentation's ability to show how really public these sites have become.


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